Emergency Flood Appeal

Donate TODAY to provide food and fresh drinking water to hungry families who have lost everything in the recent floods.
£10 could provide food and water for a family for 3 days
£50 could provide five families with food and water for 3 days
£100 could provide ten families with food and water for 3 days
Download a brochure for this appeal with details of more ways to give
Your help and prayers are requested, to provide food aid to the poor in Bangladesh who have lost homes and livelihood in the recent floods.
Millions of people have been made homeless and dozens have been killed in the floods which are reported to be the worst since 2004.
Our office has received requests to respond to the serious need for food and clean water in the affected areas.
It's likely that things will get worse before they improve.
With your help we can share God's love for the poor, one bag of food, at a time...
A small donation of £10 is enough to feed a small family for three days. Aid will be distributed to families in need, in the form of ration kits containing bottled water, 10kg rice, 1kg pulses, 1kg cooking oil, 1kg salt, 3kg potato, handwash, soap and bleach.
Without your help, it is likely that many will die of hunger, or diseases spread through drinking dirty water. In addition to losing their homes, they have lost crops, employment and sources of income with which to buy food.
Life For Bangladesh have 28 years experience in providing emergency relief work in response to natural disasters and calamities. Cyclones, floods and tornadoes frequently visit the northern coastal regions of the country. During winter, poor people in the south suffer due to lack of warm clothes and blankets. We have contacts across the country who can help to ensure distribution is accomplished.
Matthew 25:35-36 "for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was in prison and you came to Me"
Life For Bangladesh will purchase and distribute fresh bottled water, food and hygiene products, to bring immediate relief for those displaced due to the severe flooding. With your help we can buy more, respond sooner, and help more people.
100% of your money will help the poor in Bangladesh
All of the money given in response to this appeal will be spent helping the poor of Bangladesh who are in great need at this time. See our Facebook page for details of recent relief distributions for Covid-19, Cylone and winter blanket appeals.With your help we can support them, bring relief and save lives, as we did for thousands of people during Covid.